KT-Robots Programming Reference
The lambda-robots/src/main/kotlin/io.onema.ktrobots.lambda/functions/
folder contains additional robots that are deployed, these have different behaviors.
Next, we need a few robots to battle it out.
: This is a stationary robot for other robots to practice on.YosemiteSam
: This robot runs around shooting in random directions as fast as it can.HotShot
: This robot uses its radar to find other robots and fire at them. When hit, this robot moves around the board.RoboDog
: This robot moves around shooting straight in front of it, when it finds a target it changes direction and chasses it, this robot will do collision damage.
Derive your Lambda-Robot from the LambdaRobotFunction
provided by the SDK.
The base class requires two methods to be implemented:
Method | Description |
fun getBuild(state: LambdaRobotState): Pair<LambdaRobotBuild, LambdaRobotState> |
This method returns the robot build information, including its name, armor, engine, missile, and radar types, and the robot state object. Note that a build cannot exceed 8 points by default, or the robot will be disqualified at the beginning of the match. |
fun getAction(state: LambdaRobotState): Pair<LambdaRobotAction, LambdaRobotState> |
This method returns the actions taken by the robot during the turn and the updated robot state |
The most commonly needed properties are readily available as properties from the base class. Additional information about the game or the robot is available via the Game
and Robot
properties, respectively.
Property | Type | Description |
gameInfo |
GameInfo |
Game information data structure. See below. |
robot |
LambdaRobot |
Robot information data structure. See below. |
Property | Type | Description |
arn |
string |
Robot invokation identifier, either the AWS Lambda ARN or class namespace + class name. |
id |
string |
Globally unique robot ID. |
index |
int |
Index position of robot. Starts at 0 . |
name |
string |
Robot display name. |
status |
LambdaRobotStatus |
Robot status. Either alive or dead . |
x |
double |
Robot horizontal position. |
y |
double |
Robot vertical position. |
heading |
double |
Robot heading. Between 0 and 360 . (degrees) |
maxDamage |
double |
Maximum damage before the robot is destroyed. |
maxSpeed |
double |
Engine Maximum speed - armor speed modifier for robot. (m/s) |
isAlive() |
boolean |
True if the status == LambdaRobotStatus.alive else false |
canFire() |
boolean |
True if the reloadCoolDown == 0 else false |
addDamageDealt() |
LambdaRobot |
Increments the count to the totalDamageDealt |
addHit() |
LambdaRobot |
Increments the count to the totalMissileHitCount |
maxTurnSpeed |
double |
Maximum speed at which the robot can change heading without a sudden stop. (m/s) |
speed |
double |
Robot speed. Between 0 and engine.maxSpeed . (m/s) |
reloadCoolDown |
double |
Number of seconds before the robot can fire another missile. (s) |
targetHeading |
double |
Desired heading for robot. The heading will be adjusted accordingly every turn. (degrees) |
targetSpeed |
double |
Desired speed for robot. The current speed will be adjusted accordingly every turn. (m/s) |
timeOfDeathGameTurn |
int |
Game turn during which the robot died. -1 if robot is alive. |
totalCollisions |
int |
Number of collisions with walls or other robots during match. |
totalDamageDealt |
double |
Damage dealt by missiles during match. |
totalKills |
int |
Number of confirmed kills during match. |
totalMissileFiredCount |
int |
Number of missiles fired by robot during match. |
totalMissileHitCount |
int |
Number of missiles that hit a target during match. |
totalTravelDistance |
double |
Total distance traveled by robot during the match. (m) |
damage |
double |
Accumulated robot damage. Between 0 and MaxDamage . |
armor.deceleration |
double |
Deceleration when speeding up. (m/s^2) |
armor.collisionDamage |
double |
Amount of damage the robot receives from a collision. |
armor.directHitDamage |
double |
Amount of damage the robot receives from a direct hit. |
armor.farHitDamage |
double |
Amount of damage the robot receives from a far hit. |
armor.nearHitDamage |
double |
Amount of damage the robot receives from a near hit. |
engine.acceleration |
double |
Acceleration when speeding up. (m/s^2) |
engine.maxSpeed |
double |
Maximum speed for robot. (m/s) |
missile.directHitDamageBonus |
double |
Bonus damage on target for a direct hit. |
missile.farHitDamageBonus |
double |
Bonus damage on target for a far hit. |
missile.nearHitDamageBonus |
double |
Bonus damage on target for a near hit. |
missile.range |
double |
Maximum range for missile. (m) |
missile.reloadCooldown |
double |
Number of seconds between each missile launch. (s) |
missile.velocity |
double |
Travel velocity for missile. (m/s) |
radar.maxResolution |
double |
Maximum degrees the radar can scan beyond the selected heading. (degrees) |
radar.range |
double |
Maximum range at which the radar can detect an opponent. (m) |
Property | Type | Description |
boardWidth |
double |
Width of the game board. |
boardHeight |
double |
Height of the game board. |
secondsPerTurn |
double |
Number of seconds elapsed per game turn. |
directHitRange |
double |
Distance for missile impact to count as direct hit. |
nearHitRange |
double |
Distance for missile impact to count as near hit. |
farHitRange |
double |
Distance for missile impact to count as far hit. |
collisionRange |
double |
Distance between robots to count as a collision. |
gameTurn |
int |
Current game turn. Starts at 1 . |
maxGameTurns |
int |
Maximum number of turns before the game ends in a draw. |
maxBuildPoints |
int |
Maximum number of build points a robot can use. |
apiUrl |
string |
URL for game server API. |
Property | Type | Description |
speed |
double |
Update the robot speed up to engine.maxSpeed . |
heading |
double |
Update the robot heading. |
fireMissileHeading |
double |
Heading of a new fired missile. |
fireMissileDistance |
double |
Distance a fired missile can travel up to missile.range . |
fired |
boolean |
Whether a missile was fired or not. |
arrivedAtDestination |
boolean |
Whether or not the robot arrived at it’s destination. |
The following methods represent the core capabilities of the robot. They are used to move, fire missiles, and scan their surroundings.
Method | ReturnType | Description |
scan(heading: Double, resolution: Double) |
ScanEnemiesResponse |
Scan the game board in a given deading and resolution. The resolution specifies in the scan arc centered on heading with +/- resolution tolerance. The max resolution is limited to Robot.RadarMaxResolution . |
angleToXY(x: Double, y: Double) |
Double |
Determine the angel in degrees relative to the current robot position. Returns a value between -180 and 180 degrees. |
distanceToXY(x: Double, y: Double) |
Double |
Determine the distance to X, Y relative to the current robot position. |
normalizeAngle(angle: Double) |
Double |
Normalize angle to be between -180 and 180. |
getNewHeading(minDistanceToEdge: Int = 100) |
Int |
Check if the robot needs to turn based on a minimum distance to the edge and return a new heading if it does. |
The following methods are available to make some operations easier:
LambdaRobotAction Extension Functions | ReturnType | Description |
LambdaRobotAction.fireMissile(heading: Double, distance: Double) |
LambdaRobotAction |
Fire a missile in a given direction with impact at a given distance. A missile can only be fired if Robot.ReloadCoolDown is 0 . |
LambdaRobotAction.fireMissileToXY(x: Double, y: Double) |
LambdaRobotAction |
Convenience function to fire a missile at a specific set of coordinages. |
LambdaRobotAction.moveToXY(x: Double, y: Double) |
LambdaRobotAction |
Convenience method to move the robot to a specific location. |
LambdaRobotState Extension Functions | ReturnType | Description |
LambdaRobotState.initialize() |
LambdaRobotState |
Convenience function to set the state to initialized. |
By default, 8 build points are available to allocate in any fashion. The robot is disqualified if its build exceeds the maximum number of build points.
Radar Type | Radar Range | Radar Resolution | Points |
ultraShortRange | 200 meters | 45 degrees | 0 |
shortRange | 400 meters | 20 degrees | 1 |
midRange | 600 meters | 10 degrees | 2 |
longRange | 800 meters | 8 degrees | 3 |
ultraLongRange | 1,000 meters | 5 degrees | 4 |
Engine Type | Max. Speed | Acceleration | Points |
economy | 60 m/s | 7 m/s^2 | 0 |
compact | 80 m/s | 8 m/s^2 | 1 |
standard | 100 m/s | 10 m/s^2 | 2 |
large | 120 m/s | 12 m/s^2 | 3 |
extraLarge | 140 m/s | 13 m/s^2 | 4 |
Armor Type | Direct Hit | Near Hit | Far Hit | Collision | Max. Speed | Deceleration | Points |
ultraLight | 50 | 25 | 12 | 10 | +35 m/s | 30 m/s^2 | 0 |
light | 16 | 8 | 4 | 3 | +25 m/s | 25 m/s^2 | 1 |
medium | 8 | 4 | 2 | 2 | - | 20 m/s^2 | 2 |
heavy | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | -25 m/s | 15 m/s^2 | 3 |
ultraHeavy | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | -45 m/s | 10 m/s^2 | 4 |
When shooting a missile a heading and a range must be set. Depending on the missile, the range cannot exceed the Max. Range. Each missile causes damage only when it reaches its set range, none otherwise. When a missile explodes it can cause up to three types of damage:
Shooting | Direct hit damage | Near hit damage | Far hit damage |
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Missile Type | Max. Range | Velocity | Direct Hit Bonus | Near Hit Bonus | Far Hit Bonus | Cooldown | Points |
dart | 1,200 meters | 250 m/s | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.0 sec | 0 |
arrow | 900 meters | 200 m/s | 2 | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5 sec | 1 |
javelin | 700 meters | 150 m/s | 6 | 3 | 1 | 1.0 sec | 2 |
cannon | 500 meters | 100 m/s | 10 | 8 | 6 | 1.5 sec | 3 |
BFG | 350 meters | 75 m/s | 40 | 20 | 10 | 2.0 sec | 4 |
sniperRifle | 1200 meters | 1750 m/s | 30 | 15 | 0 | 4.0 sec | 5 |