What do you mean by production ready? A site hosted on AWS S3, using a custom domain, with a CDN and a SSL certificate.
TL;DR I use the CDK, a custom construct, and Python to easily deploy this site to AWS.
Requirements Install the AWS CDK Python 3.6+ Your hugo website An AWS account and have previously setup the AWS CLI and run aws configure A Route53 hosted zone and an available domain/subdoman A record (a domain or sub domain not currently in use) Setup Create a new directory and start a new CDK app:
Serverless… is a buzzword… However, it is here to stay.
I started using AWS lambda back in 2015. In those days adoption was still low, and not all companies were sure about the future of Serverless. Today, in 2018, serverless technologies continue to rise, and there is a huge amount of interest and adoption, tools are maturing, companies have entire production workloads running on serverless, and developers have an ever-growing number of resources at their disposal.
Motivation For the last two and half years, I have been doing much development around automation, tools, microservices and serverless applications. Before that, I was developing applications and services in PHP. Back in those days, I was using a traditional set of tools to integrate, test and deploy my code using GitHub, Travis, Chef (AWS OpsWorks), and a whole lot of manual setup.
Recently I was wondering what it would take to launch a PHP application taking advantage of some new and old technologies that I have had the opportunity to learn and master both at work and in my own time.
When adding an ingress rule to a security group A in VPC, and specifying access to another security group B in VPC, you can only connect from an instance b in B (classic linked or not) to an instance a in A using a’s private ip address.
If you need to talk to instance a using it’s public IP, you must add a ingress rule using CIDR notation in group A.